
Monday, October 22, 2012

Fear of Failure Survivor

"I'm scared to try cause I'm scared to fail"

- Fear by Jazmine Sullivan

I have lived in that condition all of my life until this year at the age of 37 years old.  I made the decision to move forward with my life by acknowledging the fact that I had failed at my marriage.  After moving out, living on my own for the first time EVER with my daughter I was pushed into reality.  Officially making public the ugliness of my failure - I learned that failing at my marriage wasn't the end of my world.  Once I wiped the tears, took a deep breath and gazed into the mirror -  I was relieved. 

I no longer had to "appear" as others wanted me to be with my family, friends or co-workers. I could literally find myself again as a human being and not a role.  The need to be perfect was exhausting. No one is perfect.  And I was far from it.

As I approach my seventh month of living on my own:

*I can say that I have a healthier relationship with food with a weight loss of thirty pounds since food became my best friend in those last four years of marraige.* 

*I can say that my prayer life has taken an upgrade from circumstantial talks to long length daily conversations with God.*

* I can say that my confidence is building more as I accomplish the task of managing my household on a fixed income where the numbers just dont add up with my expenses.*

*I can say that my ability to play it safe is no longer an option since my faith has increased and my fears are slowly decreasing.*

I am a fear of failure survivor.

What are your fears? Isn't it time to overcome them.

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